Enforcement of Visitation Rights or Unpaid Child Support

The family court judges of Texas take a dim view of parents who openly defy their orders. Failing to pay child support or interfering with parenting time can result in a finding by the court that the person is in “contempt of court,” and the consequences have real teeth — potentially including time in jail.

One of our Houston family law attorneys can require the presence of the other parent in court to answer to serious violations or ongoing defiance of any court order relating to custody, financial support and/or terms of possession and access, among other items. We often and where warranted will request that the court impose harsh sanctions to force compliance and deter future violations.

Contact Bill De La Garza & Associates, P.C. at 888-707-0064 if you need enforcement of an existing order. We practice in Harris County, Galveston County and surrounding Texas jurisdictions.

Unjustly Accused of Violating an Order? Our attorneys are masters at defending against contempt charges. We have been persuasive in getting unfounded cases of interfering with custody or willful failure to pay support kicked out of court. We can also represent those clients in seeking modification of child support when they are unable to pay because of involuntary unemployment or other hardship.

Houston Court Order Enforcement Attorneys

Many portions of the orders issuing from family courts in Texas can result in contempt of court proceedings when the orders are violated. Just a few of such instances include:

  • Failure to pay child support or provide health insurance
  • Failure to pay spousal support (alimony enforcement)
  • Not allowing child visitation
  • Failure to return the child after a visit or returning the child several hours late
  • Relocating without permission of the court

Judges have broad power to enforce orders once the person is found in contempt. Sanctions on the lighter side can include garnishment of wages, make-up visitation time and awarding of attorneys fees. For more serious cases or continued defiance, the judge can put the person in jail or award primary custody to the aggrieved parent.

Texas Child Support Enforcement Lawyers

If the other parent is not respecting your parental rights or not adhering to a court order,contact us today for prompt action on your behalf.