Resolving Child Custody and Visitation Disputes

The problem is as old as divorce itself — parents at odds over “custody” of their children. The Texas Legislature has tried to shift the focus from children as possessions that one party can “win” to an approach that centers on both parents spending time with the child.

But what if you and the other parent simply cannot come to agreement on what is in the best interests of your children? What if the other parent is bogged down in an unhealthy mindset or actively sabotaging your relationship with your child?

At Bill De La Garza & Associates, P.C., we are determined to find those sometimes elusive co-parenting solutions. We aim for a practical parenting schedule that works for mom, dad and the children. Our firm employs formidable litigators when those “practical” avenues have been exhausted and there is no option but to have the court rule on custody.

Texas Custody Dispute Lawyers

Our legal team has more than 80 years of combined experience. We strive to avoid a custody tug of war and to keep the focus on the needs of the child, no matter how the adults feel about each other, but such is not always possible.

We make it our business to fully inform you of your rights and duties as a parent under Texas law and to provide our expert advice on every aspect of your case that requires attention:

  • Traditional custody and visitation — A standard possession order in Texas means the child lives “primarily” with one parent, with the other parent having possession and access on alternate weekends, some evenings mid-week during the school year, and extra time for summers and holidays.
  • Shared custody — The child spends equal or nearly equal time with each parent, without the labels of “primary conservator” and “non-custodial parent.”
  • Something in between — We excel at creative, lasting solutions that factor in parents’ work schedules, the child’s activities and other realities. It could be a modification of standard custody that gives more “face time” with the child or a variation on shared custody that limits the bouncing back and forth between two households.
Sole custody is granted more rarely, and typically only upon the introduction of substantiated evidence of the other parent’s abuse, neglect or other endangerment to the child’s well-being.

Houston Contested Child Custody Attorneys

Upon a filing for divorce, a court will issue a temporary custody order upon the request of either party. We make sure our clients are prepared for this critical hearing. Our family law judges are required by law to first consider that the current status quo will continue while the divorce is pending, i.e., who has been the primary caregiver of the children.

If parents cannot agree on a long-term parenting plan, the matter will be left to the discretion of a judge pursuant to formal contested proceedings. The court may appoint an amicus attorney to advise the court on the best interests of the child, and may order a forensic psychologist to conduct a custody evaluation of both parents. The judge may also consider an older child’s preference regarding placement.

After initial custody has been determined, we can also step in to modify custody, to enforce visitation or to represent either parent in petitions to relocate the children.

Engaged in a Custody Battle? Seek Help Today.

Call us at (281) 486-7007 or email us to arrange a consultation at our Houston office.